Monthly Events
Everything about your career in one platform
Developed by the Presidential Human Resources Office, the e-Human digital service point includes all career services related to education and business life.
16.08.2023 16:00 | Others
Hacettepe University 13TH International Macsabal Silk Road Symposium
Within the scope of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of our Republic and the 40th anniversary of our Faculty; the 13th International Macsabal Silk Road Symposium which is the ancient city Gordion was selected for the world heritage list is the theme of, , and it is being held on 25 September - 8 October 2023 with 16 invited artists.
25.09.2023 09:00 | Congress / Symposium
Piercing the Corporate Veil in Stock Corporations
The 24th event of Hacettepe Law Seminars will be held with Temel GUNER’s presentation on “Piercing the Corporate Veil in Stock Corporations” on 27 September 2023, at 14:00 via Microsoft Teams.
27.09.2023 14:00 | Conference / Seminar