Written Language on the Streets
15.11.2023 / Education

Signs of various kinds, with inscriptions and symbols, surround modern cities today. Social scientists' interest in these signs increased in the last quarter of the last century. Studies in Turkey focus on foreign business names. Linguistic landscape research, which can be translated into Turkish as linguistic landscape or linguistic appearance, focuses on a wide range of topics such as the reflection of multilingualism in society on public spaces, the creators (official and private) and users of written texts on the street, the meaning of texts, the differences between the texts of official institutions and unofficial ones, the benefits of linguistic landscape research, the visibility and perception of different languages in signs.

The conference will focus on the visibility of written language in public space with the help of the preliminary findings of the project titled City and Language: The Linguistic Landscape of Ankara, which is being carried out within the framework of TÜBİTAK SOBAG 1001 project.

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