Work Life And Women From A Gender Perspective
28.02.2025 / Congress / Symposium

Organized with the cooperation of HÜKSAM (HÜ Women's Issues Application and Research Center) and HİSAM (HÜ Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Diseases Application and Research Center), with the support of HÜ Public Health Institute and TMMOB Chamber of Physics Engineers, the place of women in work life in the technological age with a gender perspective, their problems and solution suggestions will be discussed in a multidimensional manner with competent speakers in their field. Participation is free, the symposium language is Turkish. All Hacettepe residents are invited.
Symposium Participation Information: 
Date and Time: 07.03.2025 /09.00-16.30
Place: : HÜ Kültür Merkezi Kırmızı Salon (Sıhhiye) 
Sempozyum Başkanları:
Prof. Dr. Şevkat Bahar ÖZVARIŞ (HÜKSAM Director)
Doç. Dr. Nursel ÇALIK BAŞARAN (HİSAM Director)