Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Tanyolaç Young Innovative Entrepreneurs Project Competition
19.01.2024 / Ceremony

In memory of Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Tanyolaç, our esteemed Faculty Member, who passed
away on January 1, 2011, the twelfth event of the "Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Tanyolaç Creative
Entrepreneurship Projects Competition for Young Engineers" that was organized every year in
our department will be held at Chemical Engineering Department, D6 on Friday, 19 January
2024 at 13.30, which is held in order to encourage our students to develop innovative products
and technologies, to provide first step support to the technology companies of tomorrow, to
support creativity in young chemical engineer candidates and to emphasize the importance of

We will be happy and honored to see you among us in this special event for our department,
where we aim to contribute to engineering education by encouraging and increasing the selfconfidence of our final year Chemical Engineer candidate students to present their
creative/innovative projects and products, and to convey their projects to large audiences in
written/oral form. All Hacettepe residents are invited to our event.

To participate to the event, please send an e-mail to Res. Asst. Elif Gökçen Dilci
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