According to psychologist consumers gather a lot of information today. Learning theory states that our behavior is based on our learnings and experiences from the past. The engagement process with a brand involves a lot of psychological elements like perceptions, motivations, and attitudes. The external stimuli also helps in reinforcing our behavior and this is evident in the purchase pattern exhibited by the consumers. Today the increased internet indulgence bombards the data on the customers and their drives, cues and reinforcements are mainly shaped on the basis of these unstructured data rather than on experiences. This has increased the complexity of the marketer’s role. Marketers need to identify the behavior, preferences, attention, perceptions and habits of the digital consumers. These variables are the manifestations of certain processes in the brain which are justified by the neuromarketing technique. Neuromarketing can be applied successfully in the main areas of marketing namely advertisements, product design, packaging, pricing, store design etc. This technique measures the brain wave which help us to understand the impact of marketing stimuli and also to measure audience responses to accelerate the decision making process. It signifies the importance of emotions in human decision making. At strategic level, the majority of concerns working under Neuromarketing are highly active in market research domain.
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