Launching Digital Stories
17.06.2022 / Others

The stories told in the workshops held by the Digital Storytelling Workshop, which was established in 2010 within the Department of Communication Sciences of the HU Communication Faculty, are now in circulation.

Since its inception, the Digital Storytelling Workshop has been trying to make the voices of different segments of the society audible through their own narratives, with the academic research of team members from academic fields such as gender, daily life, immigration, and health communication. More than 90 workshops have been held within the workshop so far.

The digital stories produced in the workshop will meet with Hacettepe residents and those who follow Hacettepe University with the title of "Digital Story of the Week" every week. The first of the digital stories to be shared was produced in one of the Young Values ​​Digital Storytelling Workshops held at Hacettepe University in 2022 with young academics from different disciplines and faculties who are in the process of developing their academic careers.

Digital stories, as an amateur form that allows individual experiences to be told as 1-3 minute stories to raise awareness on social issues, also serve the university's social responsibility mission.

Sivrisineklerle Uçmak - Filiz Günay from Dijital Hikayeler on Vimeo.