Closing Meeting of the "Migration Phenomenon and Social Cohesion in Higher Education"
15.11.2023 / Others

We would like to invite you to the closing meeting of the "Migration Phenomenon and Social Cohesion in Higher Education" research and implementation project, which is carried out by Hacettepe University Faculty of Communication Digital Storytelling Workshop, in cooperation with Spark, Hacettepe University Technology Transfer Centre and Mersin University, on 15 November 2023 Wednesday 10.00-12.30 at Beytepe Campus K Hall.

This project builds on the "Social Cohesion and Gender in Turkey: Syrian Women Students in Higher Education" and "Social Cohesion and Gender in Turkey: Syrian Women Students in Higher Education" and "Social Cohesion and Gender in Turkey: Syrian Male Students in Higher Education" that were implemented in 2019. Within the context of this project, a Digital Storytelling Workshop and a qualitative study were held in Mersin in January 2023 with some of the participants of the Digital Storytelling Workshops conducted in those previous projects. During the workshop, named as “Again” Digital Storytelling Workshop by the workshop participants, the subjects described the processes they had experienced in higher education in Turkey over the past four years in the form of digital stories. In the qualitative research, in-depth interviews were conducted in parallel to this process.

On 15 November 2023, Wednesday, 10.00-12.30 at Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus, Hall K, the project closing event will include a panel discussion on the situation of Syrian students in higher education today, followed by a screening of the participants' digital stories told in the Digital Storytelling Workshop they attended in 2019 and the digital stories they told in the  “Again" Digital Storytelling Workshop they attended in January 2023. After the screening, there will be a panel with presentations by the representatives of YTB, UNCHR, YÖK and SPARK, which are the stakeholders of the migration phenomenon in higher education, and the outputs of the mentioned project will be shared by the project team. The detailed programme of the event is shared below.